Saturday, June 25, 2011

Opening Wide the Doors

Its not that I don't love you
but I miss that which I thought was promised
a romance of the everyday sort
a home dripping with petals and the heavy smoke of candles
is not what I mean
all I want is surprises
of little things that mean everything
and that will bring forth the rush of memory at a touch

It seems that we are plauged with the mundane
frustrations highening because we both are at fault
I would not push it all upon you
I do not feel like taking the steps to invoke desire
Your continued intrest is always a bewilderment
but a pleasant one

I wish you could have been there
living life with me long ago
Almost everything the same
excepting that you would be there by me
our memories an entwined scarlet thread
not the fraying ribbons that we've tried to tie together

So unhappy with our now all I do
is recreate a different past that could have never been
imagine a future that threatens failure even before we've arrived
Can it be the long burning flare I hope for
even if it flickers I think we could be content

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